A.P. Grow Workshops and Keynotes
for conferences and organizations that understand the importance and value of management excellence
Management Matters: The Framework of Elite Managers
"The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager." – Peter Drucker
"A manager sets objectives, organizes, motivates, and communicates so that the brilliant collective becomes impactful." – Lou Gerstner
A Gallup study finds that managers account for 70% of how engaged team members are with their work and how likely they are to remain or leave an organization. Given this high level of influence, it is vital that managers know the hallmarks of high performing managers and how to emulate them. This is the knowledge that Management Matters delivers.
And yet, as valuable as this knowledge is, it's not enough for managers to hear it. They need to remember it to apply the knowledge when they return to their teams. This is why Dr. Grow's Management Matters leverages the power of music, magic, personal experiences, and even poetry to create the impactful, enjoyable, and, most importantly, the memorable keynote experience that it is.
Audience Takeaways:
- The three qualities that are consistently found among high performing managers.
- Strategies for emulating these qualities with team members and teams.
- A template to guide nurturing and the continued development of the hallmarks of high performing managers after returning to work. (Complimentary download)

Communication and Versatility for Management Excellence
My Communication for Management Excellence course begins by teaching the concepts of TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLE & Versatility—a proven interpersonal skills model extensively researched and used throughout the world. (Yes, most appropriate for a globally diverse workforce.)
In the second half of this full-day workshop, participants practice applying workshop concepts to common workplace situations. Managers with these communication skills are:
- better at managing conflict
- more effective as a coach or mentor
- better prepared to support diversity and inclusiveness on their teams and in the organization
- faster and identifying how to most effectively interact direct reports
In short, participants who apply concepts taught in this workshop improve their communication versatility skills to become better managers.

Leading for Management Excellence
Available in one or two-day formats, in this workshop, I leverage Kouzes and Posner's research-supported and extensively adopted Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership model.
I hold, as do Kouzes and Posner, that leadership involves a specific set of learnable behaviors that, when put into practice creates productive teams that are filled with people who will want to stay connected with their supervisor and the organization.
Managers who learn and apply principles taught in this workshop receive:
- recommendations for modeling the way in all aspects of work
- skills to Inspire a shared vision
- strategies for appropriately challenging processes to improve organizational systems and practices
- delegation techniques that enable team member action
- multiple ideas to encourage the heart of team members