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A.P. Grow  MBA, PhD

Promoting Management Excellence Worldwide

Offices in China? (fact #3 is about me)
Click here to request a copy of our Essentials of Management Excellence whitepaper and receive a coupon code for 50% off the purchase price of all Perfect Bossture products.

The Problem

Like the ebb and flow of tides, work cultures can range from exceptional to toxic. The repercussions of a poor work environment are profound - diminished engagement, declining customer service, faltering morale, and reduced productivity. Furthermore, top talent often seeks greener pastures, exacerbating the loss for organizations. When combined, these negative impacts can be devastating. 

picture of toxic, muddy, and beautiful waters

The Cause

Extensive research underscores that the root of many organizational and team challenges lies in workplace culture - largely shaped by the actions and inactions of direct managers. When leadership falters, it introduces detrimental elements into the cultural waters, eroding morale, engagement, and productivity, and driving up turnover rates. 

Drawing of managers moving up stairs with a gap between steps and prize

The Missing Piece

While most managers possess the knowledge, energy, and experience necessary for their roles, many lack a comprehensive strategy to elevate them to elite status. Every organization should aspire for each manager to achieve this level of excellence. 

The Solution

High-impact work cultures—those boasting the most productive teams and minimal HR issues—are helmed by leaders who master and implement the three essentials of management excellence. Do you want your leaders to have perfect bossture?  Book Dr. Grow to speak on this essential matter and discover insights on how top managers cultivate superior work environments, to consistently achieve outstanding results. 

Learn more about Dr. Grow's Perfect Bossture Keynote
Click here to request a copy of our Essentials of Management Excellence whitepaper and receive a coupon code for 50% off the purchase price of all Perfect Bossture Products.

Past president and proud member of the National Speakers Association's Northwest Chapter